Welcome to the Jonius7 Website!

SteamUI-OldGlory - A set of tweaks to the Steam Library UI

 Latest Version: GitHub release (latest by date including pre-releases)

Youtube - Jonius7

Minecraft - I have bugfixes and updates for Minecraft mods

Mod Version Original
Changes Original
MoreBackpacks GitHub release (latest by date including pre-releases) 2.2.2 Updated outdated Forestry API causing crashes Enosphorous, LordBlackHole
Brewcraft GitHub release (latest by date including pre-releases) 1.3.3 NEI support for Brewery
Return potion bottles on manually filling
Vanilla Potions NEI lookups and fixes
Enosphorous, LordBlackHole
MineChem GitHub release (release name instead of tag name) [did not make any changes, just rebuilt latest from Github]
Fix crash with BetterBuildersWands
Electrodynamics GitHub release (release name instead of tag name) 0.3.5 Fix crash with IHL Tools & Machines (IC2 Addon) Calclavia
leytilera (bugfixes)
NoMoreRecipeConflict GitHub release (release name instead of tag name) 0.3 Fix to work on other mods' Crafting Tables (eg: Tinkers' Construct, Natura) stimmedcow, GotoLink
Faithful32 [Texture Pack] Update Rotarycraft images to v23
NotEnoughItems (GTNH) Just
, no mod work